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The following testimony is an ongoing journey of inner-discovery, healing and transformation that may inspire other suffering humans in a similar wave, specially those going through depression and auto-immune problems. The Truth is far more profound you ever imagined. So, let´s go step by step, starting from the beginning.                                              



                Seed of true Being

Nothing in true Reality lacks origin and purpose. The original Uni-verse –not this false world– emanates from a singular Primordial Origin whose Essence contains its whole development, just as the trees and their fruits are contained in their seeds. We can call it Tree of Lives.


Likewise, every person has a Personal Song, a Divine Soul to play, integrated in the familiar Tree of Lives where we must grow as divine offspring of the All Being, in whom we move, live and have our being...we are His Lineage (Acts 17), sharing its force of unconditional Love, unaltered Life and pure Conscience.

Such Personal Song is precisely what many came to develop, but we almost always have trouble remembering, for oblivion fills us with sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, anesthesias and resentments that make us sick.


After being born on this false world, some bring or receive a Seed of the Tree of Lives, a pure Essence that begins to be repressed and corrupted by the so-called education of human culture, which includes religion, morals and utilitarian science, forging the mask of false Personality instead of a true one.

In my case, from an early age, in spite of a few traumatic experiences, one always felt connected to something greater and more intelligent than the habitual ego personality full of fears and limitations. Even as a child one remembered being a pure Light within a greater Light, a "light embryo" surrrounded by a dark space, feeling suspended on the arms and lap of an immensely wiser and full of indescribable Loving Serene Light. One could do nothing but remain staticly amazed in such Light.


However, it was not always easy to rememeber these insights, how much less to understand them. And my body was often filled with a powerful vital energy that specially concentrated on the heart, and as one did not find a way to express this fully, it became nervous energy, making me restless and frustrated.


 Ignoring what such energy was, one even came to live what people would call miracles of healing, when at the age of twelve, one recovered instantly from a tremendous ankle sprain, after drinking with faith waters from a sacred fountain in the Pyrenees.


Overtime this led me to realize how powerful the true Living energy is when it manifests with the conscious Love that opens a space for the Truth of the Universal Father/Origin and The Holy One. Something Master Yeshua already demonstrated 2000 years ago, in spite of all the misunderstandings of religion.



       Cry of An Adamic Soul


Due to the repression of the Flow of Life, we carry deep wounds that prevent us from living as Beings of true Light  connected to the Original Source (Primordial Father), behaving rather as heirs of ancestral "fallen children". In fact, the great human traumas come from ancestral Sons of Light that fell into the world of Time or Tree of Knowledge before they could understand it.


And sooner or later, this ancestral wound of Fallen Adam, known as "inherited transgression", manifests in each one to be healed with unconditional Love, self-giving Life, Conscience and Serenity of the New Adamic Soul. Yet this generates tension between the earthly and heavenly currents of energy which are opposite in nature, since one is willing to give while the other only wants to receive selfishly, being known as Serpent energy since days past. And the tremendous meeting of these two opposing energies is a contradiction to be resolved.


Thus, during late adolescence one´s heart began to feel a mysterious "anxiety" and "frustration", longing to express something deep and merge with a lost pole of oneself, knowing one came to do something in particular, but unable to remember it, suffering much in the process.


Trying to escape this torment my head got flooded with possibilities, ranging from developing a musical career, since  one had been composing music on keyboard since the age of twelve, or to become an anthropologist in search of the mysteries of lost civilizations...

And in such state of uncertainty and suffering came a strong passion for spirituality, realizing all had to do with an inner search. So years later, around 1997 one began to dive into the Wisdom of the East and West, into teachings very few hear about. And the one that got my attention the most was a Universal Teaching of Armonía and Vibrations, even known in pre-historic times, before the confusion of languages, and codified in the Old and New Testaments: In the Origin was the Word/Holy Vibration (John 1:1).




Soul Memories in the Tree of Lives


Then one started to remember childhood visions and dreams as well as new ones, recalling flying as a free spirit above regions of the earth and the Universe, witnessing incredible scenes, meeting wise ancestors of different races that telepatically told one about amazing stories of the universe. Yet one could barely rememeber them after coming into the so called "waking state", which is not "waking" at all, since the human garment usually lives like a zombi, ignoring parallel dimensions of time and the Divine Soul realm, where communication is timeless and non-verbal.

However, around 1999 one felt the urge to experience life further, and the place of iniciation was clear: old Emerald Island, Ireland.


Since a very early age one felt mysteriously attracted to the Celtic culture, specially its music. And this interest led one to start learning to play some Celtic instruments, as Galician bagpipes and Whistles. So at the age of 18 one left Spain alone to study English, Irish Music and a bit of Classical Music Theory in Dublin.


One´s soul felt deeply linked to this magical place known as Hibernia. Coincidently, in old Erin one began to live all sorts of sychronicities, getting quickly into contact with people and Irish friends mysteriously related to each other. Many years later one began to guess some of them were "branches" and "leaves" of my personal Divine Soul family, which now remain apart, perhaps to spread "divine seeds" further.


By then one knew the Celts had arrived into Hibernia from Iberia (Spain). Actually, once on the island, a good friend and great Irish flutist, even told me about the story of two brothers who crossed the ocean from Spain to Ireland, a story that intrigued me. We used to talk about deep issues concerning spirituality, anthropology and mythology in the oldest music store in Dublin, MacNeal's Shop, where he used to work. And one day this friend said to me: "some day you will discover our origins, and you will tell us all." And to be honest, I somehow knew such statement was a sort of prophecy. And it´s coming to pass.


Unfortunately, by that time my personality did not know Iberia had been thus called because it was a land where some Hebrew people arrived, members of the legendary Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, which after falling prey of religious idol worship, their souls separated from the Divine Family or Tree of Life, and their souls became part of what the Scriptures call "The Whore of Babylon", together with the tribes of Judah and Levi, and later Romanized Christianity, all of which fell prey of the ritualistic and dualistic synchretisms/mixtures of Babylonian and Greek religion, which today still dominate human culture.


Yet listeners may have to wait patiently to taste the secrets that were already revealed in the forgotten Language of the Almah or Maiden Soul. All of which not only explains the origin of cultures, but also many diseases that flood humanity.


For the moment, just keep in mind that in Ancient teachings humans are seen as "trees", even in the Gospels, where a blind man is healed by Yeshua and he starts seeing men as trees. And we can remain as perishing trees in the Family of Death or remember the Light we are immortal Essence of the Living Tree of Love, Life, Conscience and Serenity.

This is why the prophets spoke of the need to reintegrate the wild olive branches into the Original Olive Tree of Life from which they fell.

And how do we get reintegrated into Life? Well, simply by re-memebering wholeness, which is the only way of having the slightest chance of escaping the Wheel of Disease and Death.

Didn´t the Master communicate The Way almost no one understood?

I am the Vine and you are the branches (John 14)

The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are Life ...He who eats my Word-Teaching and drinks my vital essence, remain in me and I in Him (John 6:63)



                                                  Gestation of A Divine Child


Now, still ignoring much about the origin of one´s old soul and what my true Being of Light came for, one left Ireland in 2001. Then a deep part of oneself felt even more sorrowful, as if my own fears to remain in the island and face responsibilities alone had changed or broken some plan.


By then, my old fallen soul felt as a weary "old lady", whereas my luminous divine Child-Soul was still too "embryonic"; His Love, Light, Life and Serenity were not fully in charge yet. My earthly personality was still too young to contain them all fully, ignoring these had to fuse together or remain in constant struggle under a nameless suffering.


                                        I am again in the anguish of childbirth

                            until the Anointed [Child] is formed in you (Galatians 4:19) 

Guessing this truth even "vaguely", one began to get deepply involved in spiritual practice through contemplative meditation, sacred gymnastics, and Inner Christianity (i.e Hesycasm and The Work inspired by the master of sacred dances G.I.Gurdjieff).


It was then when for the first time, one learnt to relax the body and balance the two currents of opposite energy, finding deeper and deeper states of inner calm.


And as a result of those first searches and spiritual works, memories arose that had remained buried, some of them while laying down on relaxation, or during the sleeping hours. And among them was that of an enigmatic origin: the vision of childhood in which I am pure Light within a greater Light, suspended on an indescribable Love.


In addition to those early lucid dreams, much deeper visions came in lucid dreams. Some were non-verbal, in company of an enigmatic silent woman, who almost always showed to me Trees or a Tree full of indescribable synesthetic subtle tones, in a beautiful land difficult to describe, since it took place in planes higher than the emotional astral World of Formation Yetzirah). And there one always felt an enormous expansion, freedom and unity will the All.


Thus, I understood it was not a "deceiving encounter", but could barely guess what she was saying. But I did not understand what that meant, nor what she meant with her silent and suggestive language. It took many years to guess.


And despite the enthusiasm and confidence these memories brought, it all was followed by great sadness and longing to live more fully that apparently lost part of myself.

"Heaven or earth, who am I?", I began to wonder one day. But clear answers were hard to find, since here truths are mixed with lies, and one must learn to discern them both.


I did not know this was the beginning of what the Hebrew sages call Ibur or Gestion of the Being of true unfallen Light that is emanated as a ray from the All Being, as an aid to rescue what had been lost in the chaos of this world:

See that you do not despise one of these little ones, because I tell you that their messengers in the heavens always contemplate the face of my Father who is in heaven (Matthew 18:10)

                                                       Spiritual Birthpangs

Being already aware that a "soul embryo" had to become a true baby and be born as a true Divine Man Child (Mature Soul), one looked for the Truth and worked hard on the inner ground without rest, living intensely a thousand and one odyssey, investigating with other seekers of Truth.


In the middle of a terrible sense of sorrow, one also began to suffer a mysterious weight loss and increasing pain in the chest while playing wind instruments, despite one had never smoked, nor drank alcohol nor took drugs, being rather a young man involved in sports and sacred gymnastics.


One started to include the own voice in the own compostions, feeling the need to unlock shadows by means of chanting and self-expression, something which heped me to overcome certain extreme shyness.


And one even returned to the emerald island on 2008 to unfold the inner spiritual potential, working with others. And in the middle of the starting economic crisis one had to get by as a street musician, surviving with very little, testing universal laws through a personal inner life journey.


It was living under such pressure and stress that one recalled what one came came for: experience utter chaos in order to help others get out of it, transmitting true Living Wisdom, making use of the own music compositions, memories and discoveries.

However, playing so many hours on streets and piers of Ireland, with very high levels of humidity and emotional pain, ended up bringing the beginning of a "health crises", forcing one to make a break and return to Spain.

One started to feel weaker and weaker, to lose even more weight, eating as everyone else, too much starch mixed with sugars and animal fats or proteins to "cover up" inner voids.


Nevertheless, one overlooked how health declined each year, producing an inner disconnection and making life uphill, to the point that almost nothing one tried worked, except composing and playing music. Yet one even stopped singing and playing, since my vocal cords were not fine, the heart/chest hurt and one got very tired; one barely had the strength to go back to work in the a bookstore and stationery, as done years before. And the few doctors one visited did not give answers. A doctor even said all was on my mind, due to "emotional stress".

Thus the "strange anxiety", "longing" and "sadness" felt since adolescence reappeared with great intensity, making me feel stuck inside, not fitting anywhere, distressed for not knowing how to handle the repressed Light.


                                                   Under the Axe of Death Law

However, our true Light of Being never abandons us. So in those moments the voice of divine Conscience made me investigate more deeply the Wisdom codified in the Gospels, as well as Hebrew Wisdom, both in its traditional Jewish form of Kabbalah and the forgotten Nazarene Essene view, which still carries flavors from the original teachings of Yshua, without religious adulteration. Thus one became intrigued with the Teachings concerning what prophets called Torah/Teaching, as well as the Divine Name (Yhwh), around which there are many contradictory views, what intrigued me even more.

Unfortunately, instead of staying to investigate thoroughly, one was carried away by a restless spirit and decided to use the remaining savings and return to Ireland to see if the head cleared up and could start a spiritual-musical project. And such uneasiness led one to an impasse, necessary for gaining understanding and deep healing.



2014  Practising Galician bagpipes, short before the intense health crisis



























From the very beginning of the trip all seemed to conspire against, showing adverse circumstances, taking one to the point where it should be, because everything works for good in those who love the Divine Being and his will of Love, Life, Conscience and Serenity. Although, in this deceptive World, the rulers are merciless executors of an Iron Law. And being already aware of that Old Law, the deceptive rulers better known as Lord God of this World, were about to trigger a merciless process of testing that left me as a dying dog in the gutter...But let´s go step by step.

An adverse wave against one´s plans started while one was returning to the hostel after a visit in a shared house where one wanted to rent a room. It started raining torrentially, as every Autumn in Ireland, and feeling the ground was getting flooded, one was forced to walk for a long time, with a heavy backpack, doing enormous efforts, with water reaching the ankles in some areas. But it was not until the following day, waiting for a call, standing up after an hour of silent meditation on the cold rocks of Bray Beach, that one began to feel the painful consequences of an undisplaced fracture of femoral necks, which were already slightly fissured before my trip to Ireland. All of which was unknown to me at that time.


After a well-deserved rest in a friend's house, one headed for a library thinking the pain would go away. But eventually, being unable to walk without feeling huge pain, I draged myself as I could heading for the Emergency Services in a Public Hospital.


Funingly enough, the doctor who attended to me was called Derek, which in Hebrew can mean the ordinary path taken by the herd:

                                     There is a way (derek) that seems right to the human;

                                     but its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12)

Ironically, suffering a fracture misdiagnosed by Mr.Derek, was part of the language of this fallen world, whose mechanical "mirror laws of cause and effect" act as correcting Axe, forcing me to walk straight under a rigid Law or find the personal path of Life known in Hebrew as Netivot.


And finding again this unique path of Life implied a long period of convalescence, weeks resting on bed, months of recovery, study and a strong internal confrontation full of realizations but also fears, anger, despair, insecurity, uncertainty... A lot had to be washed away in the inner temple, even the views on the Ruler of this World, whose response to transgression of the Law is "merciless" and has nothing to do with the true Father in Heaven whose true Law is the true self-transcending Love, Light, spontaneous Life and Peace He donates for his offspring.


But before remembering the personal path or netivot that expresses such Gifts, one not only touched the bottom, but was forced to face internal and external demons, since some even manifested in the dark, trying to scare me in various situations. A test every Child of Light must undergo to overcome doubts and grow fully.

Although thanks to the Divine Son growig within, one understood that the greatest devils are our own undigested shadows. As one wise man said, if you meet the devil, put that devil to meditate.



Under the Fallen Lord´s Fire

Very often, the shadows that we do not see end up manifesting physically with an often fatal outcome. And so it happened when after a situation of "extreme anxiety", fears, resentment and remorse, I suddenly saw myself incapable of balancing the two currents of energy. And one day, I bit a bait thrown by the Spirit of Adversity coming from the Collective Unconscious, reacting very negatively to criticism and getting involved in absurd discussions with family members and other close people, all of which lowered my defenses to the point of making me undergo a torment: my whole body got filled with ezcemas, rashes, dryness, an itchiness that kept me from sleeping even two hours straight; allergic responses to tissues, food intolerances-especially starches, refined sugars, dairy and other fats, as well as intensification of old symptoms: ringing in the ears, chest pain, brain fog, cramps, intestinal inflammation, severe constipation and lympho-edema in the legs.


All messages that no doctor knew to unravel. Although all this reminded me of Job´s test:


Then the Adversary came out of the face of the Divine Verb (Yhwh), and wounded Job with painful sores from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head (Job 2: 7).


So, in despair, looking as a true ecce homo, crucified Christ, one intensified meditation, prayer, studyig ways of rational fasting and frugal eating, being always guided to the answers received from the Master, studying His teaching, in an original form.


Throughout the intense research I was always convinced that the root was always spiritual. Although many of the symptoms coincided with the so called CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, associated with "mold illness". Actually mold infections mimmick almost all diseases. And certainly, some of the clothes I brought with me from Ireland had accumulated layers of green mold, as one had spent long stays on the island living in places with high levels of humidity. Many people are affected by CIRS, and doctors rarely know what it is, because it simulates symptoms of all diseases.


When we are connected to the Light of the Anointed One, divine suffering in our Conscience leads us to seek and rectify, opening us to the healing that comes from Spirit of Life that is not contaminated by human transgression.


Revelations in a Broken Heart


Near is the Divine Verb to the broken-hearted;

                                           and will save the contrite in spirit (Psalm 34)

This inner harmagedon or inner purification brought unsuspected answers, even in the form of visions while projecting intentions to calm the pain and heal tissues. Thus I was able to access the subconscious and even see the internal state of my organism; once I  saw a great crack in the middle of some bruised tissue, similar to the wounds on my hands. And this made me understand the outside mirrors the inside.

But where did the problem come from? Even knowing its physiological nature, I knew the origin was spiritual.  Something was trying to bring down my Being of Light and steal my Crown of Life from the Unconscious. Long years of experience confirmed this is part of the war that the Egoic Adversary makes against all Beings of Ligth. An attack symbolized by the slaughter of the innocents ordained by Herod, or King Hamsa in the story of Krishna, or the Dragon chasing the Woman with the Divine Child in her womb, as we see in the Book of Revelation 12.

To give an example of how Darkness operates towards those who wake up: while I was recovering from the serious state of health, there was a siege perpetrated by entities that tried to scare me while my physical body was sleeping or going into sleep. Although I instinctively connected with the serene I Amness, recalling the Holy Father, and their attacks ceased immediately, since those forces cannot stand high vibrations of true loving Light.

Short after this, another experience made me suspect there was some strange strategy underway: one day, right before waking up, I saw on the shelf of my room a luminous figure, like a praying white virgin. And suspecting it could be deceptive, one relaxed, opening myself for a deep listening, elevating the vibration of my Being. Then came a pleasant smell of roses -as that described by yoguis, sufis and even worshipers of Mary. And the voice of an old woman whispered on my ears in English, saying that my sieges of darkness were  due to a state of heart sickness I could not remember, for it started long ago and was related to what she called "insanity of the heart". Then she put her hand inside my chest and one woke up in the middle of the darkness of the room, pondering on the message thoroughly.


For some time I did not suspect anything strange, since my Being already knew that part of the problem resided in the heart. Two decades earlier, that state of sadness and confusion was reflected outside with a violent impact on the chest during a football match. An apparent accident probably sent by the Adversary to stop my Being of Light. From then onwards, pain began to appear on my chest, especially when playing wind instruments or swimming. One day, during a state of deep sadness, one even felt a great pang in the aortic area, as if something had burst. And that made me realize the need to manage the emotional energy to avoid ending up fulminated, like so many humans, even mystics who only handle psychic energy and never find true liberation of Life.


Many times one had been carried away by self-pity and bitterness feeling isolated, not being understood, as well the fear of not being able to express what some of us came to express.


However, my inner eyes had to be opened farther. Why had she been so cryptic? What was her intention? Why so much paraphernalia? Did someone want me to return to the fallen religious feeling that makes people submissive to the external God of this World?


Precisely, the contrite religious heart, full of guilt and self-deprecation that was instilled in us under a religious upbringin, kept one unable to handle great waves of sadness and sense of unworthiness, keepings me from manifesting my living Light from within.


It took me some years to understand that the false religious conception of Divine Justice that punishes the one who transgresses the Law, activates a subconscious judgment and self-judgment that blocks all connection with Life.

And the same applies to thinking on the Divine Being as an unattainable Separate God. When the true Teaching speaks of a divine Being is Oneness (Ejad) of Life gathered around the invisible Holy One (Yihud): in Him we live, we move and we have our Being ... (Acts 17:28)

Not remembering this Truth generats excess frustration, melancholy, bitterness, as well as the "groach" and "spirit of Adversity" towards oneself and the circumstances, all of which make people sick, leaving the organism in a state of fight or fly response.

Precisely, to those beliefs embedded in the Unconscious, one began to experience constant criticism from others who basically mirrored my inner state. M
y heart was filled with confusion and a tremendous blockage of expression, difficulty to digest the darkness perceived around, including criticism. It was as if some "dark forces" that were not able to destroy my soul directly, tried to knock me down by throwing others against me, alluring one into the Dark Side, through what Hebrew Wisdom knows as the Evil Eye or Ayn hara, one of the components of the Golden Calf idolatry that destroyed the divine Sons known as Israel, as well as Judeo-Christian believers who subject themselves to some God, regarding humans as a dirty rag below.


Trapped in this "evil eye", one even felt an intense grouch against religion, specially the system of Roman religion where many of us were miseducated, leaving many in a state of utter spiritual orphanhood.


But this groach was something to let go. No negativity should take place on those with an active Divine Conscience, Mind Anointed with Understanding, specially after so many years of inner work and study.

As the Hebrew sages pointed out, the evil eye or ayin hara and the perverse language or lashon hara is destructive idolatry, the religious Golden Calf worship that dominates the world. Something Master Yeshua also pointed out:


what comes out of the mouth, from the heart comes; and this contaminates man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. (Matthew 15, Mark 7).


In this case, truth was that all responsibility was falling on the Divine Son dwelling within, since in the end He must develop, overcoming the cross of matter and respond with Love to the Truth of Life in Armonious Serenity. Not helping onself in this process, implies getting burnt under fallen genes that are not ours, but from the alien killer Architects who left the Tree of Life.


That´s how I got the answers to passages I had meditated on, during the torments:

Judge not and you shall not be judged (Luke 6:37)

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30)


He was wounded for our rebellions, crushed for our transgressions; for the sake of our peace the punishment fell on Him, but by His stripes we were healed (Isaiah 53: 5)

These Wisdom jewels reminded me of what I learned from inner Work, namely: that it is the Divine Conscience in us what feels hurt with our own transgressions or those of others, even with "negative subconscious judgments", all of which violate the Armonia of Life, since the Spirit of Life is incompatible with the Spirit of Adversity of this fallen world.


For this reason I started to work on forgiving and feeling the pain without resisting, from all the subconscious areas of the body-psyche and the deeper spiritual unconscious. As the Master said to Peter (the rock in us): it´s necessary to forgive seventy times seven (Matthew 18), since many dark implanted tendencies from ld fallen personalities must be fully dissolved.

Thus I understood that protecting mind and heart from all surrounding darkness implies a new understanding of Reality, letting go of deep fears and insecurities above all. To live again from what Isaiah and other prophets called the Virgin Maiden of Conscience, the Divine Almah that gestates the Soul Anointed with Love for the Truth of Life in Armonía.

And as one clinged to the thread of Conscience, without succumbing to the negativity of others, without trying to defend myself, without manifesting the internal rebellion against pain, through condemnatory judgments, typical of the sick moralizing, religious and political culture that dominates the world, one
began to experience a deep healing that made deep torments cease immediately. Little by little I came from a condition which according to doctors can only be treated by medicines.


And from all this one came to the conclusion that it is not enough to heal the emotional subconscious; it is necessary to heal the spiritual Unconscious, the throne of divine Being, usually hijacked by Satanic powers in those who strive for deeper spiritual realization. We´re are not servants nor slaves of a Lord God of this World, nor politicians or corporations, not even earthly beings.


You are the Light of the Kosmos (Matthew 5:13)


Why do you call me Lord, Lord and don´t do what I say (Luke 6:46)


                                Remembering the I AM Love, Life, Conscience, Calm

This healing process led me to discover the true meaning of the Divine Name, which must be revealed on the individual way of self-discovery.


What is really the meaning of YHWH?, I wondered over and over. Obviously it was not "Jehova", or "Yahve", or "Yahweh", since those "religious labels" in themselves mean nothing. The true anointed Mind makes it clear it refers to an Action or Verb that channels the Divine Essence or I Amness, full of Loving Life. And this whole expression is codified in the spiritual level of the Torah, but only demonstrated by the Life and Teachings of Yeshua, who manifested:


                                                  I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...

                            my Serenity I give you, my Serenity I leave you (John 14)


The full Hebrew form of the name Yeshua (Salvation), Yehoshua, really means: Salvation by the Loving Name-Personality emanated by the Infinite Unmanifested Being.

However, as we see in the Old Testamen the I Am can present itself in contradictory forms. Sometimes it is I Am merciful, sometimes it is I Am afraid, sometimes I punish... Why?


                              You will not take the Name in vain (Exodus 20)


Because the I AM makes real whatever it touches. If one feels with the mind, heart and body I Am misery, Misery comes true; if one feels I Am Pure Mercy, with one´s wholeness, one becomes pure mercy; if one feels I open the Path to Healing, so it happens.


By studying the Hebrew and Aramaic background of the Scripture with this keys, it became obvious why the One Name turns into its opposite when repressed, as Love is faked as Evil.


In the absence of this true Way, Love is replaced by Evil, Light is replaced by false light/kowledge; Life gets trapped, becoming false and artificial, and Serenity turns into a false enforced peace.


Thus the qualities of YHWH can be either the Iron Law of the Lord of this World, or rather the qualities of the Universal Father/Mother: Unconditional Love that opens space to the Light of Truth through Mother Life ad His/Her One Collective Son-Daughther, filled with Understanding and Sereninity (Yerushalaim).


Hence the Divine Name is carried by the divine offspring, specially the Son Life that must be born within the feminine receptive loving essence, the "Maiden soul" known in Hebrew as Almah. All to purify the Fallen Adam that must be purified and reinserted into the Tree of Life.


Therefore, Yeshua is not simply a single Man, but a Collective Body, whose Head began to manifest 2000 years ago, and whose remaining Body begins to manifest in this Messianic Era.

This explains a confusing passage never clarified in religion: And you will name him Yeshua/Salvation because He will save his people from their transgressions (Matthew 1:21).

Not by chance the first Nazarenes, followers of Yeshua, were called Branches/Netzarim and The Way, in reference to the Truth manifested in our life, not the domain of external religion.

And so the Spirit of Truth and Life inspired by the Divine Son of God in the Kosmic Womb of Life, guided me, as a Head leads the cells of His Body.



                                          Unmasking the Spirit of Adversity and Lack

All these realizations led me to see how the subconscious of the masses is conditioned, with the promotion of conflict and disease by means food, pharmacological witchcraft and subliminal messages of adversity: fight against disease, fight against poverty, fight against violence, against lack, struggle for a job, buy this, you need that ...). All of which imprints an Evil Eye and drives people away from the Truth:

The Fullness of Being is my shepherd, I lack nothing (Psalm 23)

Every kingdom divided against itself is ravaged,

and every city or house divided against itself will not stand (Matthew 15:25)

And thanks to the strong intolerances and allergies that I experienced, I also came to understand why human food is unbalanced and used to cover the sense of lack and emotional voids. After multiple studies and experiments I came to the conviction that processed products, including pasteurized milk and excess starches (especially cereals and legumes) increase acidity, appetite, inflammation and toxicity in the human body. A toxicity that consists mainly in the accumulation of mucus, which the Hebrew Wisdom calls "toxic fat", as well as certain mycotoxins that inhabit it, especially mold.

                        My people perish for lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4: 6)

After discovering these truths, I understood that the lack of Instruction of Light leads to the deactivation of the immune system and the abuse of drugs against Life, not only pharmacological sorcery (mentioned in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 9:21)...

As one went deeper into the subconscious and unconscious, one was able to unmask all forms of witchcraft considered as "social education", "science", "politics", "religion" and even "art", loaded with a deceptive language that reinforces the dream and spell of the human conscience, contributing to poverty, war, and the increase of the so-called auto-immune diseases (cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, skin conditions, etc).

All these findings explained many ailments, after at least 18 years suffering characteristic symptoms of the so-called call autoimmune diseases (chronic fatigue, eczema, intestinal pain, intolerances ...). Signs that everyone rushes to try to eradicate without understanding their message, until they no longer have a solution.

Thus one concluded there are no autoimmune diseases, but "ego-immune infirmities", since the body does not attack itself randomly, but develops inflammatory processes due to the severity resulting from a state inherited division, struggle and transgression against the Principle of Life (for more information see Vision section).

All sickness and plague of death arises to help us counteract Fear, Hatred or disordered Love, which behaves like a parasite, stealing the clothes of true Self-transcendent Love, Light of Truth, Spontaneous Life and Serenity, that confer us power to be healed developing our Divine Mission.

A tragedy that has been brewing since the kidnapping of the human soul, which mixed with this dark world before being prepared to assume its divine will.


                                                 Recovering the Crown of Life



                                    Here, I come quickly; keep what you have,

                                so that no one takes your Crown (Revelation 3:11)

Receiving the Spirit of Life that should govern our psyche and the body involves awakening, unmask all deceptions and abandon certain eating, mental and emotional habits, remembering that ...

Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word-Speech (rhema) that comes from the mouth of the Divine Head (Deuteronomy 8, Matthew 4: 4).

Now, making changes on all levels during the healing process, including food, seemed to turn almost everyone around against, criticizing even the smallest detail about what one did or said.

Yet being an old dog, my Being always knew it was not them, but their own shadows and fallen light trying to besiege one´s soul, what only forced a deeper awakening.

During the process, one also became familiar with mathematical methods of personality analysis and psychotherapy of Hebrew Kabbalah, discovering useful ways of unraveling the structure of psycho-spiritual blocks and their psychosomatic manifestation, always under the Light of the Tree of Lives manifested by Yeshua, who unmasked all the deceptions of the world. And thus I also could start to understand what the Wise Woman of the visions wanted to tell me.

Unraveling what was behind all the entanglement of teachings and experiences took me several years of intense research and suffering, but only with the help of the Master could I reach effective conclusions, because no one gave solutions or definitive answers to my torments.

Finally, after many partial recoveries and strong relapses unto allrgies and skin eruptions when on eating certain foods, came the key piece that had been forgotten. One recovered the memory of childhood and the voice of my Being resonated stronger than ever: You are a harmonic of conscious willinful Love, Light, Life and Serenity in the midst of Darkness. Your origin and home is the unfathomable Eternal and Infinite Universal Being. In Him you live, move and have your Being. Where is your crown? Why do not you put it in its place?

Once again, one became fascinated by this old paradox: earth or heaven, who am I?


Thus a new wave of hope brought me back to Life. I began to reconnect myself in my morning meditations, receiving sunbeams in my body, releasing every fear and unconscious judgment into the space of the Divine Son within me, reconnecting with the Divine Family.

Basically, everything lies in the healing of our broken heart. Everything else follows naturally.

To this day the vocal cord blocks disappeared, and since the inflammatory problems improve every day, and I no longer have severe allergy crisis, not even on hands, I can already play and compose as before. I feel with more energy, without episodes of deep sadness or anxiety; my body weighth came back to some extent, and I am more aware of where my weaknesses and limits are.

This web was born precisely as a result of that path in the midst of the soul birth pangs.

And now I invite the reader to continue investigating other sections. Who knows, maybe they can help you.

I also leave at your disposal a Youtube Channel called Enarmony dedicated to the feeding and healing of the soul, with weekly episodes. See section Blog with direct access to it.

In any case, remember that whatever your own Personal Song, you did not come to ask, but to share the seed of self-transcendent Love, Light of complete Truth, fullness of Life and deep Stillness.



Additional Formative Excursus of Fernando Umberto


-Self-taught composer in piano, keyboards and flutes since 1996.


-Researcher of Armonía and Sacred Math applied to Self-Knowledge since 1999.


–Researcher of different Kabalistic Traditions since 2008.


-Degree in Philosophy from the Complutense University (2006), specialized in Ethics, Phenomenology of Religion, Origins of Christianity and Philosophy of Science.


-Studies of classical piano with David Trinchant (2002-2003)


-Studies of piano jazz with Petko Petkov, Creative Music School (2004-2005)


-Learns Galician bagpipes with Pablo Pascual (1997-1998).



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