
0) Rememer it or not, you did not arrive by chance. All starts at Zero Point.
1) Are we immune to the Serpentine ego tha lies, hides and dies?
2) Overcoming the Ancient Serpent and Fallen Adam?
3) To give good fruit in the Tree of Lives
4) Keys of the Divine Verb
5) Overcoming the Paradox
Every living question and intention already include their answers and actions. So...
How did you get here? By mere curiosity, by disease, sincere desire to discover yourself more? All of them?
Do not know what to do with your life, or how to get out of the impasse?
Does your mind and heart feel stuck and unsuccessful?
Do you always end up doing what you do not want, unable to do what you know you should do?
Do you believe it is due to a polluted environment, bad relationships, people, toxic food, strange auto-immune affections, pathogens...? And what if that's only 30% of the truth? What if the physical immunity depends on the psycho-spiritual immunity that comes from remembering the Unique Seed Singularity of pure Life destined to be born and grow in this hospital of souls called Earth?
Do you really want to remember who you are, to know your mind, heart, body, personality and essence with answers that you did not find in the knowledge of the world or in the name-personality you acquired?
Whatever it is, nothing offered here may be indifferent. And maybe this is why a spark of true light led you here.
How many times the confused human wonders if chaotic life makes any sense? How many times do humans flee from inner emptiness with pastimes and vices unable to find the Divine within? How many times humans attack themselves and hide from themselves, as serpents under the rocks?
This attitude is contained in the Graeco-Latin term for I, Ego, which can be read as Experience of Great Obfuscation and Obstruction of Life.
And such obstructive and self-destructive tendency is reflected on the so-called auto-immune diseases, which are epidemic (skin problems, cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc.). Their true meaning is even hidden to the so called doctors.
But what´s the root of the problem? Is humanity entirely responsible? The truth is that humanity was inoculated with a dark mentality, known since ancient times as the poison of the Serpent, a self-destructive energy that desires without measure, trapping even a Life of Divine Love and Light. A phenomenon that makes many believe that that Electro-Magnetic Serpent energy is divine, calling it Kundalini, when it´s the Peacock´s Tail the Alchemists were aware of.
With that deception, the human psyche began to eat from the Tree of Good and Bad, forgetting the Tree of Life, as we will see later.
For now it suffices to see how that same unbalanced psychic energy generates an anxiety and blindness that blocks spiritual immunity, which caused the vibratory descent of the human psyche (first Adamic humanoid species).
Thus, bad psycho-alimentary habits were adopted; the body lost its natural longevity, became less immune and more intoxicated, suffering nowdays a virulent immune response to the millennial toxic ballast. The lack of immunity is what makes us vulnerable to fungi, viruses, bacteria and other contaminants that proliferate in an acid-mucous environment, generated by:
-Stress hormones, i.e negative emotions, which desregulate the nervous system, leading to sympathetic, or rather antipathic state of fight or flight response.
-Excess body mucus due to excess of stimulating non-physiological foods (especially starches and animal proteins)
-Biological and electro-acoustic contamination from pseudo-science and human sociopathy: genetic engineering, medical witchcraft, nuclear physics, weather modification and geo-engineering by means of abrasive chemtrails full of toxic metals, like alluminum, etc.
All this led to develop self-protective shields, and immune psycho-somatic responses towards the ignorance and pride of an uncorrected Ego that promotes the left side of the Universe, instead of balancing it in the middle.
As Master Yeshua said when the Pharisees reproached him that his disciples did not wash their hands before eating, the root of disease is psycho-spiritual:
Not what enters the mouth contaminates man ...what comes out of the mouth, from the heart comes out and this contaminates man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. (Matthew 15, Mark 7).
In short, every personal crisis is fundamentally due to ignoring the divine origin of one's true balancing Self and its essential paths of Life, trapped in an Experience of Great Obfuscation and Obstruction, i.e, an EGO that cannot be a reflection of the Universal Being, the Essence of Love, Life, Light and Calm without limits.
Only such Essence can armonize Mind, Heart and Body; Thought, Word and Behavior, making possible the full and creative Life in all the universes, including those of Darkness and Chaos, like ours.
Let us not forget that Armonía is a paradoxical reconciliation of opposites and tensions, lights and shadows. Isn´t the resolution of chords and tensions the essential moments of any great piece of music?
In Hebrew Wisdom, this balance is known as the Divine Verb or Divine Name, which is Love that opens space to the Light of complete Truth, Life and deep Calm.
So its Ego-immune inversion or shadow is the Hate or Misguided Love; False Light or Knowledge according to Good and Bad. False Life, basd on stimulation and False Calm, which is Peace imposed by force, with hypnotism, drugs and violence. Actually Peace comes from the Greek Pathos, Passion, Suffering.
But how did we get to this pathetic state?
After arriving to this earthly plane, Adamic spirits received a psyche and personality name that at first never mirrors the true qualities of the original Being of Life.
​​​​​​​​Numerous Ancient traditions tell the human psyche is the result of an illegitimate mixture, describing "humanity" as both an earthly and heavenly "humus":
In Genesis 2 we read:
There was no Adam to till the land
Divine Architects of Nature (Yhvh Elohim) formed Adam from the dust of Adamah (astral land)...and breathed unto him the mental Breath of Lives (Nishmat Jayim), and placed Adam in the Garden, since there was no Adam to till the land of Adamah.
Now the Divine Architects had planted a Garden in the East, in Eden; and there they put Adam they formed. 9 The Divine Architects made all kinds of trees (offsprings) grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.
In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Then Adam was admonshied to eat from the Tree of Lives and not from the Tree of Knowledge.
Now, why was it so necessary to till the astral land by eating from the Tree of Liveds? The earth Adamah was filled with contrary destructive forces, given the previous experiments by the Fallen Architects, also known as the Ancient Serpent.
Wisdom (Sophía, from Ophis, Serpent) built up her own house, raised her seven pillars, laid the table, killed her victims (Proverbs 9).
In Matthew 13 Master Yeshua spoke of that modification as the sowing of the tares.
‘Master, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
‘An Enemy Man (echtros anthropos) did this,’ he replied.
The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. (Matthew 13:28-30)
In Matthew 21, the Master exposes the Enemy Man with the Parable of the Assassin Vinedressers, who took over a sector of the Original Father´s Vine or Tree of Life, killed the servants, and even the Son of Living Light previosuly breathed into a human soul.
Coincidently, the sacred narratives of Sumerian mythology, the Mayan Popul Vu and other myths suggest Stellar Engineers played with genetics blindly, designing semi-animal humanoid creatures, which came to receive a spark of Divine Life and Divine Consciousness. And in some planets these creatures even rebelled themselves, for they felt exploited, as the ancient Sumerian story of Atrahasis tells.
Trying to correct those previous errors, the demiurgic or crafty side of Nature, Yhvh Elohim, that works for the Divine Whole, allowerd the mixing of Light with darkness (dust of adamah, astral land), so consciousness (intellectual breath of life) could generate spiritual bodies (Genesis 2) out of the pre-existing bodies of Adamah, a land also inhabited by the Ancient Serpent race and her offsrpring.
Allowing the incarnation in the material bodies from such offspring and other species from Adamah was to allow the experience of negative emotions and thoughts and work on them, since there was no Adam to till the land.
This is what the Book of Genesis calls the "opposite help":
It is not good for Adam (Human Soul) to be alone. Lets make for him an appropriate helpmate, opposite mate (ezer kenegdó)
And despite this experiment, allowing Adamic consciousness to incarnate/name different psyhic species from Adamah, these were not suitable:
Adam gave name to all the creatures of Adamah presented to him/her, but Adam did not find appropriate helpmate.
​These animal species were not suitable for conscious develpment and out of them emerged what was called Samael-Lilith, male-female demonic natures, which kept opperating on a subconscious level even after later modification on Adamic species.
Actually, this tragedy of incarnation on a Garden/Dimension with two contrary trees/natures, plunged Adam or Human Spirit-psyche into a "dream of matter" from which very few woke up.
Ironically, it was said:
We are star dust (Carl Sagan)
Humans are the ashes of the gods, said the Greek poets.
Then the Nature crafty powers took off the animal side (Lilith, amphibious nature) and out of the remaining body made the Woman, another body. Hence the division between Spirit (Man) and Body-Soul (Woman) in a more docile humanoid creature in the Garden of Eden. Yet the Adamic soul and spirit clinged to the previous nature, originated by the Ancient Serpent, Custodian of the astral-physical plane
Thus Yeshua revealed the meaning of Psalm 118, which already mentions the Stone the Builder rejected has become Head of the Corner.
After falling into the illusory world of Time, those Adamic psyhcic humanoids became known by Hellenic poets as Sons of Time, devoured by the Serpent of Time, Kronos-Saturn, or Titans fighting against Zeus/Nature God; while the Hebrew Wisdom called them the First Adam, fallen Adam, fallen Morning Star (Lucifer) and also Baalim, lords and foreign gods against Yhwh, since Yhwh Elohim or Nature God split Adam into Spirit (fallen Adam, Lord, Baal) and psychic-bodies (Chava/Eve), which eventually gave birth to the ancestors of humanity. Hence Chava/Eve means Mother of all the Chay or astral soulish beings.
There we find the root behind the conflict between what Genesis 3 calls the Seed of Woman, which is the remaning Conscience of Divine Life, and the Seed of the Serpent, the earthly psychic energy that traps and stoles it, generating false love, lights, illusory vitality and peace. She is known as Kundalini in India. From it derive the sacrificial religions and many distorted Wisdoms.
For in the Collective Unconscious still lies the star dust of the first Beings of Light, whose divine seed got corrupted after leaving the Divine Family or Tree of Lives, eating from a Family of Death, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, where those who persecute what seems good and manipulate reality with their ideas and beliefs, end up always confused, defeated, disgusted and locked in a torment of death.
But in spite of this Fall of Adamic Light vibration, the seed of Divine Life Conscience remained buried in the subconscious of a portion of Humanity, still containing the qualities of deep Love for true Light, Life in Calm, the Divine Name, by means of which the Infinite Being - which is an indivisible Wholeness- expresses itself in all things, to a greater or lesser degree. But only completely in its Divine Son or Primordial Adam, of which we are cells: in Him we live, we move and we have our Being ... HIS LINEAGE we are (Acts 17:28).
This was the reason for unfallen Adam to take flesh and guide humanity back again into the Tree of Life or Original Family:
The first Adam (humanoid species) was made a living soul; the Last Adam a vivifying spirit (1st Corinthians 15:45)
But what is exactly a vivifying spirit?
I see men as trees but I see them walking (Mark 8:24)
Blessed is the Adam who finds WISDOM (Jokmah) and the Adam who acquires UNDERSTANDING (Binah); because his gain is better than the profit of silver, and his profits better than fine gold ...Their PATHS (dereky) are pleasant paths and all their PATHS (Netivot), Serenity. It is the TREE OF LIVES for those who take hold of it, and happy are those who embrace it (Proverbs 3: 13-18)
I am the Vine [of Life] and you are the branches; he who abides in me, as I in Him, will bear much fruit; separated from me you cannot do anything (John 14)
Without our Being or Tree of Life, we cannot manifest the ...works that the Divine Being prepared in advance for us to walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)
We were blessed with every blessing in heavenly places ... before the Fall of the World (Ephesians 3)
And Understanding begins by feeling the "all" and not the "parts".
The Tree of Lives is the manifestation of a Whole Being reflected in each one of its expressions, like a Tree in its branches. Thus, it has no parts, no beginnings, no ends, and therefore it does not harbor death or any darkness, but rather Wholeness, as drops reflecting the Ocean and River of Life where they flow.
Listen Divine Son who walks in and towards the Whole, the Name of our Being, Oneness is, says the Wisdom contained in the prayer of Deuteronomy 6:4.
And great pre-Socratic sages sensed the same thing:
Being is one (Parmenides)
Everything flows like a river (Heraclitus)
And as a general rule, teachings of the world speak of a Tree of Life. However, most are incomplete and fall into the dual traps of the Tree of Knowledge, where there are causes and effects, parts and deaths, but not all that flow as Rivers of Life.
The old Aristotle made a terrible favor to the West and the whole world by focusing "wisdom" on the search for the "first causes" and their "effects", instead of living the organic flow of the Wholeness that dwells within.
Likewise, Jewish Kabbalah also lays too much emphasis on Causes, Effects and Parts. And according the Sefer Yetzirah or Book of Formation of Abraham, there are only 10 Sefirot or Spheres, starting with the Crown, Keter. And this is because the so-called Father of Nations was only aware of the Oneness of Divine Natural Energies, but not of their Source. The Torah itself shows this: I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the Name of Provident Nature Power [El Shaday], because by my Name YHVH I did not make myself fully known to them (Exodus 6:3)
And despite in the XVI century Isaac Luria expanded the Tree of Life adding the Sphere of Adam Kadmon or Primordial Man, as Mediator between humans and the Infinite, it remained as something still very distant, unreachable, when the key of access had been given by Master Yeshua thousands of years ealier.
Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head (Matthew 8:20)
And Yeshua also added: Before Abraham Was, I Am [Ena in Aramaic] (John 8:48)
Moreover, in Revelation 3:11 we read I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have,so that no one will take your crown.
However, we should ask a simple question: where do we lay our Crown if there is no Head? What is the Crown and Head?
The Crown is a Divine Soul Neuron in the Head or Body of the Cosmic Man Anointed by the Love, Light, Life and Calm of the Infinite. But most of us forgot the own Ena or Divine Self Head, forgetting the belonging to the Divine Body of Messiah. And our most important mission is to reconnect with it, finding healing in our personal Tree of Life.
This is why the Book of Revelation does not speak of 10 fruits...
the Tree of Life ... produces twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations (Revelation 22)
Its 12 fruits are a Oneness (Ejad) expressed by the Seed of Love (Ahaba), both of which can be seen as Seed and the Fruit 13. Coincidently, the Gematria or number value for Ejad and Ahaba, the Sphere 13, the Space containing the 12 fruits. And both sum up 26, value of the Divine Name, YHVH.
Coincidentally, in the Greek Good News (i.e Gospels), the numerical value of Einai, Being, is 13, as well as the expression Christos, Greek version of Anointed Yehoshua, which in Hebrew also adds 13. What a coincidence!
Hence the 12 fruits originated from the Sphere of the Total Being or Real Self / Ena:
I / Ena (Aramaic) or Any (Hebrew)
Essence that is every expressionof the All One
Nothing (Ayn) of what the false mind can even think of
Divine Purpose (Ratzon /Telos)
A Life of Full Self-donation/giving
Kingdom of Heaven (Malkut ha Shamaim)
Crown (Keter)
Logos of Life
Capacity of self-government and wise distribution of life energy gifts
Understanding (Binah) & Wisdom (Jokmah)
For it is not enough to know what intuitively without understanding why
or knowing how to explain it
Universal Consciousness (Da'at)
Balance of Wisdom and Understanding
converted into mere intellectual knowledge or surrounding light
Strength (Geburah) & Mercy (Hesed)
Since an excess of rigor and expansion are both destructive
Beauty (Tifereth)
Compassionate Armonía of Opposites
Humble Mind (Hod) & Success Victory (Netzaj)
For there is no success without humble self-emptying
Divine Fertility (Yesod)
To express Divine Abundance
Kingdom of Heaven (Malkut ha Shamaim)
Mother Nature receiving the Father Origin of Lights
Fulfilled Seed Tree of Life
