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Breaking Quantum-Kabalistic Spells

We only grow and are healed by expressing our complete Being, which is a cell in the Tree of Life, in the Divine nervous system, we may say, a Tree whose essential Vibration or Name is I Am a Love that opens space to the Light of complete Truth and spontaneous Life in Calm. I already told you some of my experiences in the process of healing. On the web you have a more expanded description.  And today I would like to open a fascinating study on how inner growth and the complete healing of conflicts and traumas entails seeing how false beliefs, mixed concepts, the law of cause and effect and the quantum fragmentation of timelines exert a spell of consciousness that imprisons us in a circle of traumatic and repetitive experiences from which we cannot escape unless we recover the awareness of who we are and what we are called to do. I´ll present the subject in two parts and will leave it as an article in the web-blog as well as the other blog, as in old days. Especially for those who enjoy the details. Many years took me to unravel all these things. And demolishing false ideas will serve to solve issues some have raised by email. So I will first clarify what is meant by religion and also Kabbalah or Kabalah if you prefer. The different schools of Jewish kabbalah are an interpretation of very old ideas. And you will see that the true Kabalah is a Universal Science of Light, mentioned in the Scripture but which was hijacked and altered by many traditions, such as the Babylonian and the Egyptian. Actually, from Egypt come expresions like Ka or vital body, Ba or spiritual mind and Akh, which is their union, as I already explained in the video of the twins of the Soul. And since the people of Israel were captive in Egypt, we can deduce they took those terms with them. That is why Hebrew prophets later spoke of Merkaba, the spiritual vehicle. And in Hebrew, kabalah is also associated with lekabel which means "to receive." The term kabalah is a concept that creeps into many areas. In fact, the numerical value of the Hebrew word kabalah is fundamental in quantum physics, for reasons that few understand. We´ll see that later.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of kabalas act as religion, since they divide and continue to religate people to the Tree of Knowledge, the outer world: the ideas of good and bad, images, temples, rites, priests, always under conditioning laws of cause and effect: if you do this or if you believe that, you will receive this or that which is better, they say. Every religion always speaks of commandments or rules that must be obeyed to receive a reward and not a punishment, when in reality the Father of Lights, the Divine Origin of Life does not punish, nor tempts with the idea of not eating from this or that tree, and never gave rules or commandments, because that cancels all spontaneous will of Love and Life. Does a bird follow commandments to fly? Even the Scripture, in Jeremiah 31, says: I will put my Torah or Teaching of Light in your hearts. For the true Teaching is the DNA of Light with its soul connectors known in Hebrew as mitzvot, mistranslated as commandments, for the Divine Mind simply binds the soul componente and separates us from the external falsehood. To see reality is to break what binds us to darkness. So the Divine Mind can never foster religions that divides, as all of them do. In any case we must turn our mind towards our pure Light Essence. You are the Light of the Kosmos said Yeshua. And in Greek such turn is called metanoia, badly translated as "repentance". In Hebrew it would be teshuvah, which is return to the Mother Life, teshub Hei, the letter Hei symbolizes the opening of Life. As for the Hebrew word "kabalah", written with one letter beyt, it means "to receive the Teaching of Love, Life and Divine Light" and it already appears in Proverbs 19:20 where we read: shema etza listen to the advice, qabalah musar receive Teaching. The Teaching of the Divine Mind.  Although Solomon, who supposedly wrote those proverbs, seemingly did not receive Divine Teaching well, because in the end he followed a crooked kabbalah, deviated by idols of obscure knowledge, as the Scripture and other texts say. In fact, it was he who built the Stone Temple for religious worship, with the help of dark forces, when the true temple is the inner light body, as Yeshua would reveal. The physical body is only the outer enclosure. Even in the Zohar or Soul of the Torah, says the new temple to be built is the divine soul. But its pillars were already revealed by Yeshua, who said something similar to the proverb: Receive my pure spirit (John 20:22), my character, my vibration of Being, my name, the Great Name. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life… And to this day not even many who call themselves Jewish Kabbalists want to recognize that Truth, maybe to avoid questioning their teachers. But thus they overlook how Yeshua spoke of a true non-religious Universal Science that consists in receiving the qualities of the Divine Mind from his collective body, which is here on earth, incarnated in many of us, not in all, because there are people who are taxis for dark forces. Even Jewish Kabbalists admit how dark souls, the so called Erev Rav or night teachers, are infiltrated into religion, and even Kabbalah itself.  Now, I do not say Jewish kabbalah is all wrong; their study of Scripture has a lot of truth, especially certain revelations of the Zohar. But it is incomplete and often linked to rabbinic religion, which includes Talmudic reforms after the destruction of Solomon's temple in year 70 of our Common Era. And in Yeshua's time the Jewish religion already incorporated a Graeco-Babylonian mixture, including rules that are not even in the written Torah, like the 4-step circumcision, which was done to keep Jews from disguising simple traditional circumcision. Disguising it became popular when Antiochus Epiphanes invaded Judea and forbade circumcision in the 2nd century BC.  Anecdotes aside, every religion is a mixture of traditions of men, combining truth and falsehood. And this was taught by Yeshua in the Parable of the woman who put leaven in the sack of flour fermenting it all. And it referred to the Harlot of Babylon, the fallen soul that has contaminated all spiritual teachings with their dualistic beliefs. That is why Yeshua challenged the doctors of the Torah, the farisaic rabbis. And refuting their legalistic reading of the written Torah, he showed them he true one, which the inner Teaching of Light. But they did not listen. Yeshua always spoke of the internal Torah, encouraging his disciples to be members of the true Master, cells of the Tree of Life: do not make others call you rabis, doctors of the Torah, call anybody father or rabbi, he said, because there is only one Master, the One Anointed with Understanding (Matthew 23:8-9) I am the Vine and you the Branches (John 15). You are the Light of Kosmos (Matthew 5).  And Shaul, Paul, repeated this even more clearly: you then who teaches others, do not teach yourself? (Romans 2:21) The anointing of understanding will teach you everything said the apostles or emissaries in several passages (John 14:17, 1 John 2:27). And as the Master revealed to the Samaritan woman: the time is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem you will worship the Father, but you will worship in Spirit and Truth (John 4:21). The Divine Being does not dwell in temples made by human hands we read in 1 Kings 1:27, Acts 7, Acts 17. The divine spirit dwells in our most intimate dimension. This is why it´s called Emanuel, the divine with us. On the other hand, religions and rabbinic philosophies are full of veneration towards priests, external instructors, superstition and even black magic, something we see reflected in the English language. For example, rabbie looks similar to the word rabbit, when in Hebrew it has just one beyt. And who gets rabbits out of the hat? And how did Alice get into Wonderland of spells? Following the rabbit through the hole, didn´t she? Curiously, many who claim to be Jews often transcribe the word kabbalah with two "bes", when in Hebrew it has only one beyt. Some may say it's just an issue of pronunciation. But I'm not sure about that. Many of those terms seem cabalistic codes that indicate how people are being led away from their true inner Being. Actually, this takes place all over the Scripture. Even the term Bible comes from Byblos and Babel, confusion. As for Gospel, it can be read as Go Spell or as a Goat Spell, the spell of the goat, associated with the Accuser, diabolos. Why? Because the Scripture is translated with a spirit of pride and deceit. Hence, it is plagued with terms of pagan gods: instead of saying Splendor, some wrote Glory, a goddess. Instead of saying Divine Gift, some wrote Grace, another Roman goddess. Instead of saying Return to the original state, which is the meaning of the Greek Anastasis, we read Resurrection, name of another goddess. Instead of saying Anointed with Understanding, some wrote Christ, when Christos referred to the Hebrew Mashiaj, which means Divine Understanding, whereas in Hellenic religions Christos was associated with Christos Serapis, god who dies and is resurrected every year, cleansing sins with his blood. And instead of saying Salvation or Yeshua, as it comes in the original Scripture, now many say Hesus was a Gallic god. As for Jesus or Iesous, it does not appear as such in the oldest Greek manuscript of the New Testament, in the Codex Synaiticus, where we we find IH, Iota and Eta, which seem the begining of Iesous but resemble more to the first two letters of the Holy Name Yud Hei Vav Hei. Actually, in Hebrew Yeshua comes from Yehoshua, which means the I Am Love for true Life and Light is Salvation. And that Life is the true Mediator. However, instead of talking about a single Mediator, religion focuses on what vicars and priests establish. We all have been deceived with the elitist use of language. And that´s why the prophets said: I will remove from your mouth the name of the Baals, the fallen lords/masters (Hosea 2:16). And in those days I will give the peoples pure lips to invoke the Vibration of the Being of Life (Sophonia 3:9) And I say that time has already come, because more and more of us we are waking up. Now, I do not mean we should condemn religion, which condemns itsef. It does not make sense to condemn methadone either, which is surely better for someone who has been hooked on heroin, with severe traumas. Likewise, it is preferable for someone to study the Talmud and Bible without understanding or to pray before a wooden statue in a church, rather than robbing banks or cutting their veins because of depression. Although studying and praying that way does not get anyone closer to the Truth. Actually many hate and kill motivated by religious beliefs. That's the problem. Methadone is still methadone. The mixture of truth and lies does a lot of harm, specially mixed with rituals and concepts that people understand in their own way, falling under spells of consciousness, which block all will and intelligence. And that´s the essence of witchcraft.  I'll give you another example. Many are scared to hear words like Kabbalah. Especially some Christians, who accuse more than the Accuser himself, or the Devil, as they say, without knowing that diabolos means accuser and slanderer in Greek. And if someone studies Kabbalah, they think that he is a sorcerer with the ability to cast an evil eye and read the mind or that he is selling his soul to the devil. In other words, many ignore that the spell is simply the effect that confusing words exert on the subconscious of unconscious and ignorant people. The letter kills, but the spirit vivifies, said Shaul, Paul. And it´s also funny when those who claim to follow the Torah accuse Christians of idolatry and then wear protection amulets or do ritual meditations to communicate with angels. That´s not far from the New Age. And I do not want to offend anyone. But that is worship of the Golden Calf, or forbidden unions, to use an expression from the Zohar. For any meditation not oriented towards union with the Divine Mental Brain is a wrong path. The Divine Mind never taught such things in great prophets and much less when fully manifested in Yeshua. In the true Tree of Life there are no parts, no causes or effects, no separation and therefore no need for external rituals or rules, internalized Laws of Living Spirit. As I explain on the web, the true Universal Science focuses on the flow of spontaneous life and “wholeness”, or even holons, as Arthur Koestler put it. But that was made clear by Yeshua, who incarnated Divine Understanding more than anyone on earth. In fact, on one occasion the disciples asked him if a man had been born blind because his parents or he had sinned, obviously in another life, since the apostles or emissaries were Hebrews aware of the Gilgul or Wheel of reincarnation. But Yeshua wanted to break the attachment to the idea of debts from the past and he answered: he was not born blind because he or his parents sinned, but so that the divine gifts could be manifested. In other words, he does not focus on causes, but on the divine purpose, why we are born in this world of death. Since the divine purpose is to manifest our divine Being. That is why he taught in prayer: Father, forgive our debts insofar as we forgive to our debtors. In other words, when we give our gifts of Love and Light of Life in Calm, the debts that we drag are canceled. The problem is that in the restricted state of consciousness everything seems necessarily subject to causes and effects. If you break an arm you must get a cast for it, otherwise it will not heal. At least that´s what we tend to think. But it´s only a subjective belief, which implies disregarding the power our real Being has to repair tissues quickly and even change timelines. The experiences that I told you in the video on healing and the web are an example. For this reason today it´s popular trying to overcome causes and effects by means of ideas from quantum physivs, which in principle follow laws that are not causal. Many even unite kabbalah and quantum physics. But here we have the same problems, since Quantum science is based on "quanta" fractions of temporal energy, dimensions of time, even in the new holographic paradigm. And the Tree of Life reaches us, it also transcends our Time Matrix, which is an hologram. Anyway, I leave this for the second part, where I´ll bring more surprises. One of my career specialties was precisely the philosophy underlying quantum physics. And complementing it with the study of music armonía and kabalah can help to clear up ideas and transcend falsehoods. I will just say that in quantum physics, the most important number is 137, which marks the limit of knowledge between visible light and dark energy we do not see. And coincidently, the Hebrew term Kabalah has a gematric value of 137, which is the sum of two other terms, guf, which means body with value 89, and moaj which is brain-mind with value 48. So Mind and body represent Light and Darkness, which here are unbalanced. There is more darkness. And that is why we must bring true Light of Consciousness. And the numbers used in quantum physics and music, are useful to know the shadows that trap us in this Matrix where everyone dances to the rhythm of the Serpent. We´ll see that. I will also upload more information in the web. For now, I suggest you to breathe easily, do not get obsessed with concepts, and simply recognize the true divine Being that dwells within. Open yourselves freely and voluntarily to His Truth and Life in Silent Calm, letting Him guide you to the Truth beyond the falsehood. Drop your questions, burdens and sorrows in the Silent Mind of Divine Understanding. The day Divine Body and Anointed Mind come together definitively, our connection with the Father of Life will be permanent. The next day we´ll see how that is essential to deal with psychological and quantum traumas, because the fears and tensions that make us sick, are stored not only in body and psyche, but in other quantum versions of ourselves, temporary doubles that have suffered the same mistakes and regrets over and over again in other timelines. Many already we have verified it. But we must approach that withot speculating. Until then, may the Light of Life sprout spontaneously in all of us. Blessings.

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